The Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) call will focus on implementation research proposals for the prevention and/or early diagnosis of cancer in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC) and/or in vulnerable populations in High- Income Countries (HIC).
Proposals should focus on implementation research for the prevention and/or early diagnosis of cancer on in LMIC and/or in vulnerable populations in HIC. Proposals should build on interventions with promising or proven effectiveness (including cost-effectiveness) for the respective population groups under defined contextual circumstances. For promising interventions, a limited validation period can be envisaged. However, the core of the research activities should focus on their implementation in real-life settings. The proposed interventions should gender-responsive.
The aim should be to adapt and/or upscale the implementation of these intervention(s) in accessible, affordable and equitable ways in order to improve the prevention and early diagnosis of cancer in real-life settings. Interventions should meet conditions and requirements of the local health and social system context and address any other contextual factors identified as possible barriers.